One important factor that directly impacts SME restaurant businesses is food costs, because food costs have the highest proportion out of all the costs associated with operating a restaurant business. So, if you can manage these costs, your restaurant will …
When you’re opening a restaurant, it’s not necessarily good to offer lots of different menu items! You’d have to handle the ingredient costs and find storage spaces for all of your ingredients. Many restaurants opt for offering a lot of …
One important thing that restaurant owners must always do at the beginning of a new year is plan sales projections. Why do you need to do it? Well, it’s so that you can set your sales targets. Every successful restaurateur …
Restaurants that have been open for some time such as at least one year should analyze their menu items to make changes as appropriate to their situations. Many restaurants overlook this issue, so their menu items stay the same from …
In addition to food, labor, rent, water and electricity costs, which are the main costs in running a restaurant business, there are other costs that most restaurateurs overlook, and these are hidden costs. Hidden costs are not costs in the …
Competition is unavoidable in the business world. The same is true for restaurant businesses. Unexpected situations can happen at any time. For example, your restaurant is selling well, but a newly opened restaurant steals all of your customers. A battle …
The kitchen’s small and has limited space, but it’s a necessary fight and you need to deal with it. You cannot expand, and moving your restaurant is difficult. With things being that way, how can you manage and prevent impacts …
It is said that good employees are a battle half won. It sounds funny, but anybody who has worked on a restaurant business before knows that good employees (good attitudes + good abilities) who work in the restaurant can eliminate …
“Good sales, but no profit” is a major problem for SME restaurants and one important cause of this problem is that SME restaurateurs neglect their own accounting! Let’s take accounting seriously. Just some basic accounting can help entrepreneurs know the …
One secret reason why some restaurants sell well and have high average revenue per head is that these restaurants’ waiters cheer for sales. It is a skill that the restaurants have to build. However, most SME restaurants overlook this issue …